Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Please don't feed the animals!

(But be sure to have your camera ready when someone else does!)


  1. Wow! Incredible picture!
    Did you take this yourself?
    That is so neat how close up it is, with the attention we can see.
    Very cool. ;)

  2. What a great capture, love the title too. I also love your blog layout, very welcoming.
    My WW is at The Cafe I hope you'll stop by.

  3. Very cute shot! Happy WW...

  4. Wonderful picture! The texture of the fur is so well captured! They're so cute. Thanks for the comment on my wordless wednesday on tomatoes!

  5. What a cute little guy. And he is looking right at you!

  6. Do you use a macro or just a really good zoom?

    Thanks for stopping by at Trash Towers today.

  7. That's an awesome picture. I like how the foreground is blurred.

  8. Well, since a few of you asked questions, yes, I did take this myself. I used a macro, and I have a 10x zoom, but not sure I used it all. This guy was at a pretty highly traveled spot at Yellowstone, and I'm sure the folks that put the sunflower seeds out there for him to enjoy were not the first. So he just sat THAT CLOSE enjoying his snack, while we snapped away. The best part was my 8-year-old had the old camera and got some good ones too. He had SO much fun!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!