Thursday, August 7, 2008


(I found this under Ben's door today.  Ben had neglected to comply with the arrow on the other side directing him to turn it over and read the message.)

Dear Bethany,

Is that you squealing at Ben again because he is in your space?  What is it this time? Sitting on top of you Snuggling with you on the couch while you watch TV?  Banging on the top keys Playing a part of his own while you play the piano?

I know, I know.  He makes me crazy crowds me sometimes too.  But I need to call this one thing to your attention. Yesterday when he did those things?  You laughed your head off.  Yup, couldn't get enough. So I'm not sure how you were thinking he should know that you didn't like it. Unless maybe you tried telling him you need a little space or you're not in the mood today instead of issuing a blood curdling scream when he made one little move in your direction.  I know it's really hard to believe, but these behaviors are pretty much his way of giving you some love.  

Breathe deeply, Girlie.  He's the only brother you've got, and you're his only sister.  If he's going to get a clue, you're going to have to give it to him.  And the sweeter the better.


P.S. By the way, God is the one who made Ben the way he is, so if you could kindly redirect your complaints to Him, that would be peachy.


  1. Very good post. Just so you know, when they get older they will still be doing that. Brothers and Sisters, the eternal fued. Fun and good times! Love that last picture!!

  2. I could use this exact letter for my oldest girl!

    Thanks for stopping by my Nut House :) I hope you'll come back soon!

  3. So funny! We have just a few of those notes around here.

    Cute pics!

  4. Brilliant...truly brilliant...and absolutely hilarious. I could have written this myself!

  5. The good news is that they get over this in time. Looks like they really do love each other!

  6. Found you at Blog Around the this! That letter is priceless. I also would like you to know that I am mortally jealous of your mastery of the "strike through" option; I have not yet pinned down how to make that happen. Love your blog!

  7. Awwww, your kiddos are very lucky to have such an insightful and funny mama. I Love these words and photos :-)

  8. You need to print this out and put it in their scrapbooks. CLASSIC post!

  9. Haha - what a great post, this made me laugh (nearly outloud) at my desk at work :)

  10. Love this, Tracy! Beth's hate/love message to Ben epitomizes so many sibling relationships. And you take superb photos!


  11. Hi Shelley! You have a new profile--are you starting back to blogging? And are you starting a new adventure on the Lena Bea??? And hey, a photo compliment from the pro makes my day--I have so much fun playing with it. :-)

  12. That note sums up childhood very well .. hate/love in such a short time span. Because it takes years to really know what emotions those words really are representing. I remember writing a few of those notes myself back in the day....

    Very cute pictures :o)

  13. hahahah!!! Let's see Bethany file her complaint to God about his brother!

  14. LOL they sound like my siblings and I.

  15. How cute! She really summed up the sibling relationship at times, didn't she? From your pictures, it looks like they really do love each other, though!

  16. OMG - that IS my house!! :)

    I *adore* the "love Bethany" part!

  17. It could be all our houses! Siblings indeed have a love/hate relationship.

  18. Hah! I love the message Bethany wrote, and your response is awesome.

  19. Oh I love this letter! That's so heartfelt and true... and non-confrontational, which is the hard part to get across. Nice parenting!


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