Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Anniversary Getaway


  1. Great anniversary adventure...A good collection of memoirs.. Hi! Ma'am Tracy it's nice to hear from you that you have once live here in Davao. I hope you and your family had a great time spending two years here in our city....It's my pleasure to hear a woman like you who share your knowledge as an educator by helping to mold our youngster to be a better citizen..Thank you and hope you still have time to visit us in the near future..

  2. Wow! Impressive.

  3. Looks like a beautiful place to spend time together.

  4. I am here from SITS. Congrats on having a Saucy Blog!

  5. Hey! I love the new look! Nice work since I last visited!! ;) I almost didn't recognize the place hehehe

  6. Those pics are BEAUTIFUL! So peaceful, makes me want to jump into them. Congrats SitsTa!

  7. What amazing pics! Congratulations on being a Saucy Blog. (Your verse to the side -- Phil 4:12-13 -- is the exact one I featured on my recipe blog today.)


  8. That is so beautiful! Where is looks so relaxing....hope you had a wonderful time.

  9. Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your banner. The pictures, the description, everything is just wonderful!

  10. Hey Tracy,

    Thank you so much for coming bt the other day and leaving me a comment on my SITS day. It was good to hear from you.

    I've enjoyed reading your blog...where in the world are the beautiful pictures taken?

    Also, I noticed Chris Rice is one of your favorite artists. I'll pass the word along. My husband has been Chris' manager for years! He is a wonderful guy.

    Hope to hear from you soon,
    Melissa at Stretch Marks

  11. Happy Anniversary!! It looks beautiful.

  12. Looks like it was an awesome trip. Beautiful pictures.

  13. Wow, beautiful pictures. I just dropped by, as a saucy SITS Sista.

  14. Awesome photos. Just looking in on all of my fellow saucy bloggers!

  15. Gorgeous photos! I love lakes, oceans, just about any body of water. Looks beautiful...

  16. Anyone checking back to see if I'll tell you where it is??? It's Lake Pepin. And that guy flying around on the kite board is not us. Or anyone we know. But it was SO cool to watch. It was very relaxing and romantic! Thanks for asking. :-)


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!