Monday, June 30, 2008


So I'm making lunch for my kids, and they choose bell peppers as their vegetable.  As I take them out I think to myself,  "These are so bright and pretty.  My sister-in-law would take a picture of them.  I could do that, but I refuse to start taking pictures of food.  Nope, I don't need one more thing to obsess over."

Next thing I know, Benjamin says, "Mom, those are so bright, you should take a picture of them."  The way the boy thinks like me is SO scary!

You started it, Aunt Mary.  (But they really are pretty, aren't they?)


  1. Oh my. I should perhaps apologize? But in fact, they are so bright and pretty! So I'll just say, nice work Tracy and Ben!!!

  2. I thought that maybe you could overcome the verification for this one, Mary! No need to apologize--you gave us a good laugh. ;-)

  3. I'm impressed that your kids will eat raw peppers in their lunch! That's a pretty grown up veggie!

  4. Definitely it's a bright idea for the theme and equally delicious..Happy weekdays ahead..

  5. They are making my mouth water! I need to hit the farmers market tomorrow and scoop up a couple of those. OH and how in the world did you get your kids to choose peppers as part of their meal? I am the only one in the house that will eat them...sigh...

  6. They are beautiful, good picture!

  7. That is a great picture...the lighting is perfect... & I too am impressed that your kiddos would choose them for their lunch. WOW! Share the secret!

  8. A few of you asked how I got my kids to eat these. All I did was offer them. It think one day someone brought a veggie tray to a gathering we had and I offered them, and they said sure. The yellow ones seem especially sweet. But I think the kids liked the colors, and were more eager to try them. A little dip, and voila!

    I didn't grow up with peppers, so only due to someone else's idea did I think to try them.


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