Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


  1. i really love this picture.they create a solid bond together,loving brother!


    Please check out mine too!
    Bonding Time

  2. That is awesome with the dolphins in the background. Makes me miss my brother. Great shot. Happy WW!

  3. I know how hard it can be to get a cute picture with both kids!! I can really appreciate this one. Super cute!!

  4. ps, I know better than to think one happy ending will turn my sister around. She's a jaded catholic for a reason. Those nuns will do it to you...not to mention what she views as a score of unanswered prayers after my Dad died. Funny how we can be raised in the same family with the same experiences and come to different conclusions in life. Mainly I said what I said to her at the hospital to give her a bad time. I knew I would make her uncomfortable by asking her to pray for me...I was trying to be funny. :)

  5. Kathy, I'm so glad you showed up over here. You make me smile. I know you were trying to be funny (and I'm sure she was more than relieved to see your sense of humor), but I think it's just like God to show up in time for a good laugh and surprise us all.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!