Monday, May 19, 2008

Mid-Blog Crisis

WARNING!: This post is a mind-dump. Nothing more. Save it until you need an antidote for your insomnia.

Having said that, you have my condolences for the fact that you are still here. I will try my best to disappoint you if you were counting on something really super boring. Have a pillow ready, just in case.

Somebody recently asked, why do you blog? That is the question of the week for me. The initial purpose of my blog (here) was, and really still is, to serve as a journal of sorts. I journaled for years before I got married, and although it was then in the form of conversations with God, it really helped me process my life, and my "becoming" for lack of a better word. I think the Bible probably calls it "...being transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2) So I suppose I could say I used it to chronicle my transformation. Yeah, that's it. And I guess that's where this one started.

But at this moment, I am going through a little identity crisis and wondering, who is my audience?

I have been reading a lot of mom blogs, which make me laugh hysterically, and remind me how not alone I have been in my parenting endeavors. Now these women get the visitors, I tell you! I am certainly a mom, but this is not a mom blog. I think if I tried, I could make it one. A funny one at that. But alas, the Scrapbook blog is the space for showing off the kids, and that is really for the out of town family and anyone else who wants to check in on them, specifically. It is not so much about me. The Journey has some aspects of my parenting story in plenty of places, but not often enough to keep the moms coming back, except the really really sweet ones who have noticed I don't get too many comments and taken pity on me. Should I throw them a few more bones to keep them coming back?

And then there is the theological side of me that is sort of under construction right now. I am very serious about this transformation thing, and for the first time in many years I have the time to take stock of how it is going. Are my beliefs well-informed, and have they grown up with me? I've so enjoyed revisiting some of them recently, but by the grace of God I have more questions than answers at the moment (definitely a good thing in my book!), and not that much to write about. So I'm a little afraid my really good thinkers are going to fall to the wayside while I pause to reflect. And some of them have quit writing, too, so I can no longer engage them in dialogue on their own turf! (But I'm not bitter.)

And then there is the nostalgic side of me that has been reliving the family history lately, and just reveling in the joy of being a family, and seriously, that could only be for the kids. For later.

I keep wishing my blog could narrow in on an audience. There are a lot of people out here in the blogosphere, and many have touched me. I would like to touch them back. Who could I touch? The moms? The thinkers? The sentimental types? I guess I believe there are others who are being transformed who will pick something up along the way from any of those.

It is, after all, a journey, and there are so many different kinds of stops. Sightseeing stops to look closely at the things that take our breath away, or teach us something we never knew. Recreational stops for something fun and entertaining. Stops to check the map to see if and where we got off course, or whether we are still headed in the right direction. Stops to refresh and refuel.

I like the people part of blogging, I really do. But the question was not, "For whom do you blog?", it was "Why do you blog?" And it's really to help me in my becoming.

You know what makes me really grateful? I have some precious friends on this journey, who are kind enough to tell me (mainly in person) that they read, and laugh, and learn from my blog, random though it is, and yes, even enjoy my mushy love story. So to you who fall into this category, thanks bunches for mentioning it to me now and then. I would probably blog without you. But I love knowing that you are along for the ride.

So Lord, thank you for my journey in its many facets, and for every companion who is along for the duration and those who just stop in for one leg of it. Send anyone this way who could get a blessing here. May all who come here know that YOU are great, and that you provide amazing transformation in the lives of all who draw near to you!

Now grab a coffee or a Mountain Dew, and get on with your day!


  1. I think no matter what you do it will turn out great. I don't think you necessarily need to focus on one subject, that will keep you interesting and gain different readers attention.
    Personally I like you blog, keep up the awesome journey!

  2. I have mid blog crisis's weekly. Should I be doing this? Am I endangering my family? Am I trying too hard? Do people really care? Am I embarassing myself? Am I offending people? etc.

    In the end the bottom line is that I am being myself...acceptable or not, and that at the end of all this I will have something to hand to my kids and say this is who I am...and this is what you did to me. ;)

    And I have to admit I go fishing for comments. I leave comments on EVERY blog I read, even if I'm jsut stopping by for a moment. I link to tons of different blogs throughout the week and I think a lot of people feel inclined to check my blog out after I left a comment on theirs. Sometimes they stick around, and sometimes they don't. Like you, I don't take offense either. Whatever you're reason I'm glad you are blogging!!

  3. See? That's just what I mean! It's the moms who get the feedback thing. So thanks for being moms who can validate my "this is not really a mom blog" reality check. I do appreciate it! (But I'm still a little jealous that your blogs are more fun than mine.)

  4. Tracy - what's funny is that I purposefully didn't leave comments on other people's blogs because I didn't want people I didn't know commenting on mine. Too many theological/spiritual blogs generate controversy, and I didn't want that. The times I've experienced the most rudeness is in theological conversations.

    In any case, I'm trying to comment more on other people's blogs, yours one of them.

    I'm personally interested in more about why you think you blog, and what the journey really means to you. For instance, why is the fact that you have more questions a good thing?

    As long as it's fun or stimulating, keep on blogging!

  5. Thanks for weighing in, Ben. Good questions.

    I'm glad I have more questions because, as my newest post today alludes to, I think that it's time to look at my presuppositions, many of which were probably formed 20 or more years ago. Per today, I've presupposed that I should pray that someone else might know the dimensions of Christ's love as though I, of course, know and appreciate them so well. But do I really? Have I actually supposed Christ's love to be more narrow or shallow or shorter reaching than it actually is?

    I'm feeling a post coming on with some questions. We'll see.

    I'm also feeling the urge to merge my two blogs in answer to this crisis. I'm not enjoying the compartmentalized me, so I'm afraid the relatives will have to wade through the reflection to get to the kid pictures pretty soon, and the thinkers will have to romp through the woods with Ben and Bethany to arrive at anything thought-provoking. Just like I do. :-) Again, we'll see.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!