Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dude, they don't pay you enough!

This morning I was out and about, looking for an opportunity to see what my new 10x zoom could do for me.  I didn't have to look far.  This guy was right outside the store I was in, doing his best to drum up some business for the Liberty Tax people.  So I drove across the street where I could be inconspicuous and gave my little camera a workout.  But not as good of a workout as this guy was getting.  I hope his supervisor was driving by incognito every so often.  At 24 degrees on a dreary day, he deserves a raise!

Lord, help me work this hard to represent you well, whether everyone is watching or no one is watching. It's so good to know that with you no effort is wasted, because you are the God who sees.

1 comment:

A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!