Monday, July 30, 2012

Forties Top 40, #5-3


#5: Completion of our church building.

3625 Entrance Base final 120x80 web 6-28-12-1

A substantial chunk of my forties was marked by my participation on the leadership team


of our "Faith Builders" project.


It was such a privilege to be a part of the team
that was able to see the project to completion.

Scripture - Bethany, Franco, Ben.JPG

#4:  Foundation Sunday.
(All about that here.)

Foundation Sunday Scripture 1.JPG

This was the highlight for me.
It was the day everyone came with a verse (or two)
that they thought would serve as a good foundation for our church's future.





I loved that my kids each chose two.  It still gives me goosebumps.


#3:  The pastor who shepherded us through these years.

And by pastor, I mean couple.

Stan and Jan came just days before Benjamin was born.  They treasured, TREASURED our kids, giving them more than a decade of warm welcome into life in our church family.  They understood how parenting can bring you to your knees.  Often.  And Stan would more often than not be found right down on his knees too--getting down to their level and learning what made them tick.  Amazing for a guy who schedules his days down to the minute.  I never looked to see if he scheduled in face-to-face time with the kids, but he always managed to find it.  We will have another pastor to shepherd us through the teenage years, I suppose.  But now that we are dealing with Stan's call to move on, we realize that we have never before had to part with a pastoral couple who were our peers, our true friends.  It is hard--but it is a good kind of hard when it leaves room for the activity of God to do a new thing for all involved.  Also?  They will remain our life-long friends.   I'm thanking God today for the gift of more than a decade with this precious couple.


  1. I loved reading about foundation Sunday! What a great idea and I can just imagine watching it unfold.

  2. I love the idea of writing verses on the foundation - what a testament to the faith of your church family. blessings, marlene

  3. The days (years) of planning and
    construction process were some-
    times long & difficult, but
    looking back now, they were also

    What a wonderful tribute to Stan
    and Jan - I hope they read your


  4. I "pinned" your blog bc I love the Bible verses on the foundation. Skip and I talked about that when we visited last winter. Such special memories for all at STBC...especially the kids!
    Cathy Benton

  5. your church is beautiful! what an amazing, fulfilling labor of love that must have been!

  6. I got chills when I saw their verses. Chills. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I am sorry they are leaving. I pray God will bring the perfect leader for your church. I am sorry. Crying for you,


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!