Sunday, March 4, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1.  Routine


Oh my, this picture makes me laugh.  The routine is our Friday nights out.  Many times there is somewhere we have to be later (always having to do with a ball of some sort), but in spring and fall we get a reprieve now and then and can take our time.  Then we go to a restaurant where it's nice to linger, like this one.  50 bonus points to whoever names it.


2.  Music


3.  Technology


This tool is meant to make a fruit boat out of your watermelon.  I have had it for years and never used it for that.  However, today when I noticed my bathroom sink draining very slowly, this solved the problem like nothing else ever has.  That's technology at its finest in my book.

4.  Show Me Your Style


Bethany told me one of her friends said,
"I bet you can't go a week without wearing a skirt or skort and leggings."
Well she did it, but she was glad when it was over.
She is not into posing for me these days,
so here she is on her way to the bus.


The style of boys here on the tundra is, "What jacket?"
But hey, full-serve is back!

5.  Mismatch


I saw Bethany's bedtime feet and laughed and said, "That's cute!"
She said, "Well, it's a mismatch."  Not even knowing I was looking for one.
She let me take a picture of it.


  1. I'll take that challenge - one of my favs, Cracker Barrel. I love the pic of Bethany walking down (the middle of?) the street.

  2. Cracker Barrel! I just ate at one last weekend with a friend I have not seen since college days. He promptly (successfully) did the little triangle game. Engineer.

  3. Your music picture is beautiful! Love it!

  4. 50 points each! Just gotta love Cracker Barrel! I can get the triangle game down to two all the time. Just not one. :-)

  5. Looks like an awesome routine, love your checkers shot! Love your "style" shot!

  6. That actually used to be a pretty regular routine for us too - haven't done that in a while.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!