On our way back down the shore we still had several places we wanted to explore.
It required a little hiking
and a LOT of stair climbing
but it was worth it to see the highest waterfall in our state
at Tettegouche State Park.
at Tettegouche State Park.
Not to mention what has to be one of the most
spectacular panoramas in our state
at Palisade Head.
I love how the little red kayak puts it all in perspective.
Probably paddling by to gawk at the climbers.
(Who you cannot see and who did not include us.
Because I'm sure you assumed I climbed up there,
adventurous gal that I am.)
Finally a landmark recognized by every true Minnesotan
perched atop this picturesque point...
Split Rock Lighthouse.
Oh my word. So sensational. Beautiful!