Saturday, May 7, 2011



If you're on Facebook, no doubt you've seen the post circulating that encourages you to use a picture of you and your mom for you profile photo in honor of Mother's Day.  I was all set to do that.  I had a favorite photo in mind from one of my bridal showers, just a year and a half before she left us so unexpectedly. But just then I got a little emotional, and decided to abandon the idea altogether.  

Once that moment passed, I gathered enough courage to actually look for a photo.  It was a welcome surprise to find this one, taken when I was about the age Bethany is now.  If you're a mom, I bet you can put this story together.  It's pretty simple.  Me, thrilled with my birthday present.  Mom, thrilled with me being thrilled.  So happy.  She had even made us dresses with coordinating colors.  I bet my sister had one that fit right in.  What a precious reminder of the love she poured into raising us.  She had fun being a mom.

I have been grieving the nearing of the end of my kids' elementary school years.  And missing my mom.  I so wish she could also have spent these "Wonder Years" getting to know and enjoy them.  I see so much of her in them:

the attention to beauty and detail


the loyalty to your team, and appreciation for good food


the love of a little friendly competition around the table


This year like all of the other years, I will miss my mom on Mother's Day.  Yet I am so thankful for all of the evidence that she is still here with us in so many ways. Her legacy lives on, and it is beautiful.


Whatever Mother's Day means to you, I hope it will be a day where you find beauty in your world, and remember the mom or the other women in your life who blessed you along the way and made you rich in ways that money never could.


  1. She did leave a great legacy behind for us, didn't she? Love the shower picture of you two :)

  2. What a lovely post - I loved those pics of you when you were younger! I am sorry your Mom isn't there with you anymore. What a lovely legacy you're carrying on with your own kids.

  3. I'm pretty sure she's proud of you and cheering you on, Tracy. She would have loved spending time with Ben and Beth. I think of this with my Dad as well, and am just thankful that we have a big reunion to look forward to one day!

  4. I am so very sorry about your Mom. I cried for you. I love the picture. She looks like Jackie Kennedy. Classically beautiful...just like you : )

    I can't think about Kaishon growing up or I have a meltdown. Truly. Every September I am a mess.

  5. Tracy I was blessed to spend Mother's Day in Israel this year - Jerry and I took a long dreamed of trip there. But, like you, I sure was missing my Mom. No matter where you are in the world, and no matter how old you are, that mother-child bond simply cannot be severed. Even when one of you is in Heaven! blessings, marlene


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!