Sunday, April 3, 2011

That's a wrap.

Just a few more photos from our Florida trip. Sometimes one has to play the part of tourist to be reminded how glamorous it isn't. But then neither are we. There were the ever-popular mini-golf (you haven't vacationed if you haven't played!) and obligatory souvenir shops.  There were friends, and a lunch with grandparents (we will go back and pay them a real visit next time).  There were even go carts and a fun trampoline contraption that they get away with calling "bungee jumping".  Just our speed. And there was the world's biggest McDonald's that channels Chuck E. Cheese.  Junky Luxurious prizes and everything.  Two of which (wildcat fur-patterned slap bracelets, specifically--do not be jealous) were on my kitchen floor the last I noticed.  Cheesy goodness.  Truly.  It doesn't get any better than this. it from the comfort of home sweet home.


  1. Love the last picture of the sunset. What a great ending as you take off.
    Looks like so much fun. What great tourist you all are! Glad you go to do so man fun things and visit with family too.
    ♥ Joy

  2. Oh my word. I love your trip! Especially the grandparents. And the leopard bracelets. And the kids. And the sunset.


  3. FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN....FUN!!! Oh gosh...I want to go on vacation soooo badly right now! Ha!

    We went to Florida 6 1/2 years ago, and it was such a fun time. We went through the Make-a-Wish foundation, because of Anna's heart defects. We got home 10 days before she's a wonderful finale of beautiful memories, but it always makes me melancholy to think about. God's so amazing to see His timing at work.

    Looks like you all had a blast! ^_^


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!