Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thank God for Grandparents!

Wow, we have had a busy fall! There has been a lot going on, but the highlight has certainly been welcoming both sets of grandparents to town. Lee's parents came a few weeks ago...


And then last week my Dad and Jeannie came to town. From Florida. Just in time for snow. Sorry guys!


They had made plans for today, but their plans fell through. They called and asked if I could meet them for lunch at what used to be Dad's favorite spot.


I decided to be crazy and go get the kids from school to go with me. Lee joined us.


We had never been to White Castle before, and the kids were most impressed with the computer ordering kiosk.


I was more impressed with the sweet potato fries.


We so appreciate that our parents would go to the effort of coming all the way from Georgia and Florida to visit us, even in the midst of taking care of some health issues. Even as seldom as we see them, our kids absolutely treasure them. So do we.


  1. That's so lovely! What wonderful grandparents! Those sweet potato fries are making me hungry, even though I've just had my dinner.

  2. Wonderful memory you made for the children - taking them out of school for lunch. :) My memories of my grandparents are often taken out, smiled at, and even laughed over. blessings, marlene

  3. Now I´m really really hungry for those fries. :)
    Looks like your parents and in laws had a good time too.

  4. Yum Sweet potato fries. I'd love some of those.
    How fun to skip a little school and go out to lunch. What a cool mom!
    Glad you all have had some good visits with the grands.
    We'll be seeing my parents and the inlaws next week for Thanksgiving.
    ♥ Joy

  5. Oh I LOVE sweet potato fries! yum :-)


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!