Saturday, May 1, 2010

Goodnight, Moon.

My kids think their dad hung the moon. After all, he is the Fun Machine. I think he's pretty swell, too.

But what makes me so happy is this...

He let the kids help

"unhang" the moon.

He also put this up in our dining room.

Goodnight, Moon.


  1. I was really trying to figure out where this post was going. I'm thinking the book.
    Your crew did a great job changing out the light fixtures. I must say the new ones suit the space so nice.
    I'll join you and bidding the moon buenos noches.

    ♥ Joy

  2. Funny, Joy! We have always referred to the big globe light fixture as the "moon". I think Bethany dubbed it that. I don't know if I had ever heard the "hung the moon" figure of speech until I had friends from the south. That would probably confuse a lot of people too. ;-)

  3. I love the new lights!! It's funny...I hated the ones in this house when we moved in, but there were so many other "projects" that we never changed them. I don't even notice them any more. I think you've inspired me!! :o)

  4. Only took us nine years, Janette. And the old dining room fixture was the five mini-globes with polished brass. Nice. ;-)

  5. awwwww, sweet story...

    try not to miss those 6 moons too much ... ;-)

  6. Men who let children help are saints and should definitely be labeled a "keeper". Love the new lights! blessings, marlene


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