Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh, the possibilities!

We are having the earliest spring I can remember here on the tundra. It's been so refreshing! But still, we know that it's too soon to buy plants for the containers or garden without being concerned that they will freeze. So we have to go to the greenhouse for a little inspiration. I was so glad when my sister called today and asked if I wanted to go. Since we're smart enough to know we shouldn't buy these yet...

...they try to tempt us with these.

And these...

...and these and these and these.

In the end, my sister bought this...

Now I want one.


  1. that must have been so fun to walk through!

  2. mmm...I never thought to take my camera to the greenhouse...

  3. I love your blog, because I am madly in love with COLOUR and so are you!

  4. Since we're not going to be home this summer I'm reining myself in when it comes to flowers. Yesterday I went to Lowe's and bought two pots of fountain grass to put in the pots at the foot of the stairs by the deck - I figure that stuff will live without anyone watering it! But the petunias...oh the petunias! They called my name - until I saw the price. I do believe they were twice as much as last year. That made it a little easier to walk on by. blessings, marlene


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!