Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's Time!

I have been thinking for quite some time that the photos on my header were getting old, and finally took the time to do something about it.  I headed over to to make myself a new banner.  I had some elements from a scrapbook package that I used, but put it all together with the scrapblog builder.  I could seriously spend waaaaayy too much time over there. Here's hoping that showing just the back of my kiddoes will make it take longer before this one is totally outdated!  That's the way of it these days--they leave us in the dust half the time.  Following them is so much fun!  Except when they want us to do it at a distance...


  1. Looks really great! Love it...Im headed over there for some more blog addiction stuff..HELP! I am outta control!!! ;)

  2. Great job on the header. I'm due for a change too, but haven't been ambitious enough to head over.
    I started getting a head cold this week. I'm pretty fuzzy between the ears right now.

    I love the picture of B & B walking along the water. Perfect for you header.

    ♥ Joy

  3. LOVELY header! Yes, you could bury yourself in Scrapblog, couldn't you?

  4. I like this look Tracy - very unique! blessings, marlene

  5. I love, Love, LOVE this! And I love Brett Favre, too. But, shhhhhhhhh...don't tell my Cheesehead relatives, OK?

  6. I love the new look - so very pretty and peaceful and meaningful.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!