Friday, December 18, 2009

How Great Our Joy!

This is my favorite Christmas picture ever. Ben and Bethany were playing and talking about the Christmas story and I got the bathrobe idea. The rest is history. I love the wonder in their eyes.

Here is the original:

I'm taking advantage of Constructive Feedback Friday at I Heart Faces today, and I would love some suggestions for making this original even better. It was shot with my first point and shoot digital (I am still point and shoot), and I would like help with some adjustments in Photoshop Elements, and any cropping and background suggestions. Thanks!

Hope your joy is great this season!


  1. Hi Tracy!!
    What a darling darling Christmas picture!! Hey, can you email me the original? I can't access a bigger source photo for this fixit. Thanks!

  2. Susan, I'll do that. I just made a link to the large flick'r original though, so hopefully that helps others. Thanks!

  3. Tracy-
    I actually think you did a great job editing this photo! I didn't do anything much fancy to it. My first "fix" is a vintage-y look (curves to brighten, added a bunch of yellow to the white balance, added local contrast). In both of them I cropped in a bit and cloned the wood wall all the way to the corner of the picture.

    Here's a link to what I ended up with:

  4. What a precious picture. I'm just enjoying it. Their little faces do speak volumes.
    ♥ Joy

  5. Oh, that's beautiful! I have no suggestions. Skeller sounds like the person to listen to!

  6. Oh gosh...the two of them should star in a Christmas pageant! I hope that was your Christmas card that year...

  7. I want to give you a nice comment, since you just visited me, by my stinky diallup won't load your pictures for me. So I'll mentally picture some gorgeous images, and say, "Awww! Lovely!"


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