Monday, October 26, 2009

More Cheese, Please!

Yesterday Joy commented on my post about how to get your kids to smile. She wondered if that strategy would work on her husband. I'm not really sure I want to try it, but I have another one that works for my husband. Observe.

Lee and Ben took a break in the action at the zoo in a spot with a great background, and some beautiful indirect light. They were playing a little game while I went to work. Lee was obviously sticking with his own game and not planning on playing along with mine.

So I took the pressure attention off him and turned to my boy, who was completely and utterly ignoring me. Perpetual motion, this boy.

Then I got Lee back in the frame, and he had obviously figured out that I wasn't going away anytime soon. Maybe if he just humored me for a sec.

I wouldn't be pacified that easily, but I had found my crack in the facade. Now it was a head on contest.

When he starts scrunching up his face, that's when I know I'm going to win. Because it makes me laugh, and when I laugh...

...he laughs.


  1. Great work Tracy! Your husband is pretty free with his smiles normally. I'm surprised that you have to trick him at all! I love the pic of him though.

  2. LOL - too cute!!! You can see him starting to crack.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And The Boy has a smile just like The Dad. Love all of these Superior Snaps...even the ones where your subjects were "elsewhere"...

  5. Very nice! Great post and a very good technique to make him smile!

  6. This is great Tracy. He is such a good sport.
    I should do a post on all the shots I have of Keith totally not cooperating. That would get him huh.

    Lee has a great smile. He can't pull off the frownie face for too long. ha


  7. yup yup yup - made me laugh, too!!!


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