Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Home Sweet Dome

The Tigers made a surprise reappearance at the Dome today. We were all pretty excited, but it was inevitable that someone would come away disappointed, what with our divided loyalties and all.

Ben REALLY wanted to go to the game. We would have loved to, but we just couldn't imagine much good that could come of it. We were smart to follow our hunch...

We thought the next best thing would be to recreate the stadium atmosphere at home.

Dome dogs


a couple more fans in the stands

and helmet sundaes.
After all, ice cream tamed the savage beast, didn't it?
(Well, that remains to be seen. We can hope so.)

It was fun...and a GREAT game...and we wish the Tigers a very happy off season! Go Twins!


  1. You are so creative! Looks like a fun evening time was had by all...

  2. What a fun day - and what a fun Mom! This is what memories are made of. blessings, marlene

  3. That Humphrey Dome has been getting quite a workout recently, hasn't it? And for the records, I rooted for Brett last Monday, even though Mr. Fairway kept glaring at me. And all I can say now is, Go, Twins!

  4. Fun! I hope your disappointed one has recovered. It's so sad that someone always has to lose.

  5. I just know you're going to win that Moms of the Year award. The icecream sundaes are such a cute idea. The fans really seem to like it and give it a thumbs up.



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