One night on our vacation, we went out to the end of a pier to watch one of the famous sunsets over Lake Michigan. We were glad we went early to get a good spot, because lots of people had the same idea. There were sort of two tiers--one to sit on...

...and then one right at the end of the pier. People were pretty perceptive about not staying on the end too long in front of all the people with cameras, so they would wander out there, take their photos, and move on.

Until these guys. Can you say oblivious? I so wanted to yell, "Hey, down in front!" Eventually the two guys on the right got a clue, but not their buddy. No, because he was...

...talking on the phone. Yes, he was. So here is this crowd, hushed (not to mention incredulous) with the impending sacred moment, and this guy is yacking away as if by himself, for all to hear. One woman even went and asked him if he would move, so he did...

...about five feet to his left. I was left with no choice but to take his picture. I wonder if he noticed that I was looking and shooting straight at him. After all, he had his back to the sunset. Mmm hmmm.
Speaking of poor judgement, this is apparently what happens to kids who misbehave while on vacation at Lake Michigan.
Some people! Just so wrapped up in themselves. Their loss, but also your loss of an awesome moment and some great photo opportunities.
I was very annoyed at first, but then I must say, I had to laugh at how clueless he was. I dashed around him to get my shots a couple of times, and then back out of everybody's way.
My mother always said, "If we could only see ourselves as others see us!" It was a good reminder to think about what my current blind spots might be.
Ha ha what a nutcase! What was he thinking! Its funny that he just had no clue, but how could he not of! Too funny, you got some great pics though and a funny story to go with it!
Grrrrr. You are so gracious to forgive this guys total disregard for others.
I think there should be a cell phone in the hand of that doll arm. And put a sign beside it "What happens to people who stand in front of the sunset yakking on their phone so no one can get a decent picture"
How did that guy NOT realize he was in the way?? It says volumes about his personality.
And I just finished scrolling through your blog...you guys look like you're having SO much fun this summer!! I hope someday I can do all of that cool stuff with my kids too!
Oooooh, I would have been so mad - I can't stand it when people have no idea of what's going on around them and no regard for others. Of course, I never do that... (ahem.) I probably would have said something to him.
And that poor baby in the sand. Where is his mother?
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