Sunday, July 26, 2009

Postcard from the Cabin

Greetings from the road!

We spent our first day at the cabin with some of the cousins and aunts. The sky didn't look too promising on the way, but we got in plenty of outdoor activity in between raindrops. We had so much fun! Thank God for the blessing of family.


  1. So jealous of all the fun you guys are having! Love the tubing picture!

  2. What a fun looking place. Glad you all get to go. That fish picture is hilarious.
    Love the "Dad" shirt. Now you know why we fly places. :)

    Have lots of fun!


  3. Tracy that picture of you and your husband is just awesome - I know you're going to treasure that one! blessings, marlene

  4. Looks like a lot of fun had by all!
    I love the fish pictures...we did the same thing to my dad. He thought we had caught a monster!

    Glad your summer is going well! Mine is going sooo fast. Not really sure where the time has gone!

  5. Don't know what cracked me up more:
    the "don't make me pull this car over!" or your daughter's giant (& beautiful, I might add) fish catch!

  6. Looks like you're having a great time, I love the water tower!! And the fish. You are a photographer supremo!!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!