Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mix and Match

I went out over the weekend and did some shopping, mostly for Bethany as it turned out.  I was excited about the good deals I got, and how well the different pieces mixed and matched. The best part was that she really liked what I got her, and it all fit! She's about set for summer.

So of course, after the fashion show, she wanted to pick an outfit to leave on. Which two pieces do you think she picked?

Do you have any colorful characters like this at YOUR house?


  1. Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a colorful one just like Miss Bethany. My Leah will not wear a solid color shirt. She wants a picture or a design on it. If you buy just a plain solid shirt, she says that it is boring and never wears it. She is ok with solid shorts or pants.
    The summer clothes are adorable. You found some good stuff.
    That picture reminds me too that I've got to get the plastic eggs out and buy something to go in them.


  2. Too cute!
    My Drake doesn't usually care what he has on or if it matches - although he is starting to ask if things match, so he's getting it!

    My daughter, however, is as anal as me about matching. It's a character flaw in both of us!

  3. Unfortunately not anymore! :( I miss buying clothes for my girls!
    Your daughter is adorable.
    I just wanted to wish you a happy Easter a little early, because I will be away from blog world for a while.
    See you next week!

  4. Oh, that's classic! My Emily puts so much effort into what she wears and how she does her hair, yet somehow she can't ever match her clothes or make her hair look good.

  5. Thank you for commenting on my post today! I'm sorry I forgot to do the Wall of Fame post yesterday...I remembered in the afternoon, but unfortunately I was right in the middle of violin lessons. Ha! How's that for timing? :P Anyway, I went ahead and linked up my post anyways, since you said it was never too late to link up. I'll make sure to do it next week! :)

    I love that outfit! Your daughter definitely has an eye for the uniquely awesome. ;)

    Hope your week is going well!
    Love ya,

  6. that is really cute, I remember doing that...

  7. There's just something about a new outfit that makes a girl smile! blessings, marlene

  8. I love the bright colors and really hope that it starts getting warm enough to wear that stuff...sheesh! This crazy weather is for the birds! (At least it is in MI)

    My middle daughter is the flashy one. She leans more toward the exotic animal print stuff! Suits her red-headed personality.

  9. Connie has recently begun to pick out his clothes. He does a good job of it too. Nothing outrageous although I'm sure that if he had anything with pink on it he'd where it every day.

    I'd say your girl is perfectly pretty in her colorful, new clothes.

  10. I did have one, once! She's grown up now and don't let me play dress up wiht her anymore!


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