Thursday, March 5, 2009

True Friends

Last week marked both two years of blogging for me, and also my ten thousandth visit on my counter (and these do not include mine!). If you had told me two years ago when I started blogging that I would get ten thousand visits EVER, I would have laughed at you. Of course I also never dreamed I would visit so many other blogs and learn so much about life from the perspectives of others. It's been wonderful.

I thought I would go back and see what I was thinking when I first started my blog. Here is what I found:
This blogging phenomenon is a new thing to me. I've recently discovered several very engaging blogs that have helped me discover far more than I ever knew before about some people in my life. I'm not so good at small talk, so this is all very intriguing to me. I never really thought about doing my own, until one day I was commenting profusely on a friend's blog, and was sure I heard a voice coming back saying, "Hey, get your own blog!" The actual response was quite gracious, but still... The other thing is that my father-in-law has always told me I should write a book. Quite frankly, I'm sort of the sum total of all the books I've read, so who needs mine? But just maybe if I share the the turns my journey is taking, someone will be encouraged along the way. I can only hope so. So here's to the world of blogging to get us beneath the surface. And thanks to anyone kind enough to read and help me process!
"...And thanks to anyone kind enough to help me process." This is what a True Friend does. She (or he) holds up a mirror, often of words, and helps you look into it and see the truth of your situation. Her first reaction is not to jump to your defense, condemn your critic or wage war on your enemy. She simply speaks the truth in love, so that you will be encouraged and empowered to see proper perspectives, make right choices, mend broken relationships and be an agent of growth or healing.

God has sent more True Friends to my world through blogging than I could name (though I'm so tempted to try!), to add to those who have been here all along.  I am abundantly blessed, and have grown and been sharpened because of you.  Thanks so much to each of you, for making my life richer.  


  1. Congratulations on 2 years of posting! And 10 000 hits! I´m glad I found you through BATW and hope to continue to read about your family for a long time yet!

  2. Congratulations on the 2 years of posting! It has been a pleasure to get to know you through photos and stories.

    I appreciate your cyber friendship more than I can tell you. To the world, a seeming stranger has come to know me through my words and is always there to offer the gift of encouragement when it is needed the most.

    I am praying that you continue to be blessed by the Lord and that he would continue to use you to encourage many.

  3. Has it really been TWO YEARS! Time is giong too fast.... there has to be a way to slow it down some. I'll go work on that. :) Tracy, I love you and thank you for your *true* friendship too.

  4. 2 Years Woo Hoo!!!! And 10,000 tickers...amazing~ You are a blessing to both the blog world and all the friends you have made....Congrats!

  5. Happy Blogaversary. WhooHoo two years. I know you have poured so much of your heart into this blog and we all love that you are honest, reflective and transparent in so many ways.

    I raise my mouse to you Miss Tracy:
    Here's to the next 10,000 clicks :)

    ♥ Joy

  6. Happy Blogaversary! Internet is so amazing. Who would have thought 30 years ago this would be a phenomenon?

  7. Congratulations. I always enjoy reading your blog and the pictures you post.

  8. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. I am grateful that you happened to see Adiel and me on MamaKats blog and stopped to say HI. I have been blessed.

  9. Congrats on the auspicious anniversary! Hey, I had some Beer Cheese Soup the other night...I think that's one of the major highlights of my short blogging career!

  10. Happy 2 Year Blogiversary! :-)

    A whole new way to scrapbook and save the memories...

  11. Congratulations, Tracy...your blog has blessed and challenged me (& others, I'm sure) more than you'll ever know. And you know I treasure our friendship.


  12. You go, girl! And look how far it's all taken you...congrats on the milestones!

  13. Congratulations! And I don't think any of us knew exactly how much this blogging thing could impact our world when we started it. I, too, appreciate the friendships that have been made! I feel blessed to be a part of not only your journey but "THE journey" as well!

  14. Wow! Two years...

    I am glad you are here now. I'll read your book, too, when it comes along.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!