Saturday, March 14, 2009


Every now and then I stumble upon a fun little idea that becomes a tradition. I know I'm not the only one, because I see creativity oozing all over the blogosphere. I thought I would share a couple of the "mom-isms" at our house, hoping it might prompt some other people to share, too.

Here's one that started when the kids were pretty little. One day I baked some mini-muffins for a snack, and for some reason I cut a paper towel into shaped napkins for them. I suppose they were probably hearts. Easy enough. Next thing I knew it was a car (by request, of course). Then animals. It's pretty much been animals ever since. If I bake, I better have the scissors ready.

This one I borrowed from a friend who displayed her kids school work on the walls of their basement stairway. We call ours the "Wall of Fame". The first couple of years we did it, I had the kids go through their own work and find the pieces that showed their best thinking, biggest efforts, or neatest job. This year they asked if I would choose for them, so I am.

If I may say so, I think this may very well be the best second grade self-portrait EVER.

What are your Mom-isms, or Dad-isms, or Aunt or Uncle-isms, Grandma or Grandpa-isms?


  1. LOVE those ideas! I'm not artistic enough to cut paper towels into shapes, though, unless it's, like a square or a circle. I might could do the heart!

    Also, absolutely LOVE the "Wall of Fame". That's inspiring!

    And the self portrait? I think you're right - it's perfect!

  2. I've never napkin art before. That is so cool. You are a great cutter outer.

    Love the art work on the wall. Good idea to use the wall going into the basement. Bethany's self portrait is very good.

    I use to tape their art work inside my kitchen cabinets so when I opened the doors there they would be to look at.
    I'll have to think on some mom-isms.


  3. LOVE your wall of fame! I must say, also, that you've got a lot more talent--and patience--than I. Don't think I'd be able to be so crafty with the paper towels!

  4. Wow, your craft genes are showing. I could do a heart and maybe a car but anything else is beyong my reach. And what a cool idea to have your wall of fame. I love that idea!

  5. I love the WALL! What a great use for the basement staircase. I will defiantly be using this idea in our new house.

  6. Wow, that is so awesome! Her self-portrait is GREAT!

    I love both of these ideas... I may have to co-opt the school wall one once my girl gets to that age...

    And I could NEVER cut paper towels as well, or as neatly, as you do! Nobody would know which animal I meant for it to be... haha!

  7. What a great wall - I'm going to pass that idea on to my son! blessing, marlene

  8. you didn't fall down the steps while taping those things up, did you?...from Aunt Dayna

  9. I feel that I failed my poor girls in the visual affirmation department. I wrote notes occasionally and slipped them into their lunch boxes. Does that count?


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