Sunday, March 1, 2009

After Church

It's always a treat to have friends to join for lunch after church. This actually happened a couple of weeks ago, but it's never too late to remember the fun!


  1. Looks like lots of fun Tracy. We went to lunch with some church friends today. We keep running into them at the same restaurants over the last few months. So today we were leaving church at the same time and said OK where are ya'll going for lunch. So we went to the same place and sat together instead of waving at each others family across the restaurant.
    Love that last picture of the little Dino Hero. We all need a nap after church and lunch.


  2. I sort of miss that about Church. We belong to a really large church now and NEVER go out to eat with anyone afterwards...I am so glad that you have good friends to do that with!!! PS...where do you go? Since we both live in MN, might be worth a shot?

  3. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  4. that Dino Hero is pretty cute... Thank you for sharing your lunching time with us. Love ya!

  5. I've always enjoyed going out to eat after lends such a nice touch to the day. Really like this slide show, especially with the captions...tres creative! But we always knew that about you, right? Hey...I've left a bit o' bloggy bling at my place for you today. Please come check it out!

  6. Looks like you had a great time with some wonderful friends.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!