Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Boy

Meet Ben.  Age 9.  All boy.  

Lover of cats.  Especially wildcats.  Most especially tigers.  But most any animal will do in a pinch.

Lover of sports. Especially baseball. But hey, it's been football season, and he's always in on the action. If it's what's going on, it's his favorite sport.

Intense competitor. Most of the time his great strength. 

Detail guy since birth. Creative. Full of ideas.  Observe:

Coach Ben's Football Play Book

The Offense

The Defense
(Gotta love "Good Grief" and "Sneaky")

Special Teams

The Lineup

All-Star Team

My Favorite Player

Probably more likely to be destined for greatness...

...or is it this one?

Yes, definitely this one.  I adore him.


  1. He will grow up to be a jock, I´m sure! For now he´s just cute... :)

  2. That playbook is pretty impressive. What a mighty thinker.


  3. Totally darling post. Very fun pics.

  4. He's awesome. So fun, Tracy. What a story teller you are.

  5. That's a great play book. GO TEAM!

  6. If you've never had a coach in the family - you better get ready! My husband coached high school football for 10 years and now my son is coaching the same thing. They are fanatics through and through. Looks like your guy might be too. blessings, marlene

  7. I like "Symmetry," too...perhaps Ben needs an agent? I'd be happy to contact John Madden for him!

  8. What a cute boy. I love the team. Looks like they will win every game!

  9. Now this one had me giggling. How cute!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!