Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Hot Tub Lizzy!

Today is Hot Tub Lizzy's birthday, and we are having a surprise party for her!

Lizzy is one of my blogging friends whom I've never met in real life.  It's funny, though, because if I did, it would not seem like we've never met--it would be like picking right back up where we left off.

Lately I've seen tons of people doing the tag "25 Random Things".  I haven't had much inspiration to write 25 random things about myself, so in honor of Lizzy, I'm writing 25 Random Things about her.  (If you click on the links, you will have lots of fun getting to know her, if you don't already.)  Here goes:  

25 Random Things that I love about Hot Tub Lizzy

1.  She is from my home state.
2.  She recognizes where some of my pictures are from.
3.  She knows what Uff Da means!
4.  You never know when you visit Lizzy whether you will laugh or cry.
5.  However, she is nice enough to give Tissue Warnings.
6.  She says stuff I would want to say but wouldn't, because I would worry about what people might think.
7.  It's easy to think of random things when you think of Lizzy, because if she is anything, it's random.
8.  I don't think she'll be offended by me calling her random.
9.  She would give you the shirt off her back.
10.  She demonstrates honesty and humility in the midst of adversity.
11.  When she prays, she talks to God as though he's going to talk right back to her.
12.  She is a fabulous artiste.
13.  She adores her girls.
14.  She never loses her sense of humor.
15.  She knows exactly how to play "Duck, duck, Gray Duck!"
16.  She knows a great blog when she sees one.
17.  When she becomes president, I'm going to get an inside view of the White House.
18.  She is willing to take the long way if she can get some good pictures out of the deal.
19.  She has an amazing memory, and a gift for retelling the stories of her heritage.
21.  She leans on God in the tough times instead of blaming him.
23.  She doesn't get all hung up on dotting i's and crossing t's, so she would want me to go to bed now instead of being determined to do 24 and 25.

Happy Birthday Lizzy!  You help make the blogosphere a beautiful place!

Queen of the Blogosphere
February 5, 2009

(Click here for a yummy birthday treat!)


  1. Oh my goodness. How long did it take you to do that??? I'm just stunned and so honored and a little bit misty! What a dear dear sweet friend you are! Thank you!!!

  2. I'll head over and wish her a happy birthday.
    Fun 25 random things list on Lizzie.
    Now, I know you can think of something for your list. Don't be so modest. We want to know the stuff on you. You don't have to confess to many things.


  3. And she's a Candidate of the People, By the People, and for the People...and the ducks, too!

  4. Lizzy IS the Queen of the Blogosphere, isn't she? And she and College Girl share the same Special Day! Ben & Bethany wanna make a Pop'rs Infomercial for my Valentine's Day Giveaway? It starts Sunday...I'm just thinking, since Mr. B. was such a hit and all last month...


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!