Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Visual delight

When we were on our way across the country for Christmas, we stopped for a few hours in St. Louis. (Of course we had to see the arch, but the gloomy day made for gloomy pictures, so just Google it.) Lee had a business associate in St. Louis, so he called ahead and asked for a suggested place for the kids to burn off some energy. Without hesitation, "City Museum!" was the reply.

This place is a playland extraordinaire, enchanted adventure, art and history museum, and photographer's dream all rolled into one. We were in awe the entire time we were there. The most impressive thing about it was the texture everywhere. It was like visual gluttony. 

I came out of there feeling like I'd eaten a box of bonbons. Minus the calories.

And the kids?

Bethany: "I think that was the best night of my life!"

Ben: "Yeah, it was great...phenomenal, actually!"


  1. Looks like tons of fun! I wanna go!

  2. Awesome! I have to admit, I've always been hopelessly enthralled by bright, colorful places where there's tons of crazy kids' stuff to do! heehee. :) We have the Exploratiion Place's not that extravagant, and they're actually pretty particular about the calmness of kids in there--I don't like that. :(--but it's still really cool looking, and they have this big castle where the kids (ahem...and I) can run around and hide in dark tunnels with stars on the walls and stuff. It's a great time! ^_^

    Neat pictures!

  3. Definitely a fun place. I waited very patiently for your pics, and I'm glad I did!!

  4. wow! what a place!

    and what fun pics!!!! (Y'know I'm a sucker for fun pics :-)

  5. I'll use Ben's word for it: Phenomenal! I would love to take my girls there. If we ever get that way I'll make sure to see it.

    You all just had an all around great trip. I'm so glad you stopped there.


  6. As Melissa B. would say, these are Some Superior Snaps! But you also had some Superior Subjects, too. Speaking of which, I'm doing another giveaway-Valentine's Day Theme-starting Feb. 8. Any way I can convince you and yours-especially Ben and his cute little sis-to do a short video, sharing their Pop'rs Love? I'm thinking about doing a Bloggy Film Festival, since the ones a couple of weeks ago were so well-received!

  7. I really wish someone would of referred us there. We only live 2 hours away from St Louis and I am always bored by it. We only go there for the Zoo.

  8. Those pics are spectacular and I love the term "visual gluttony!"


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!