Sunday, January 4, 2009

Home, Sweet...

We're home!  After some 3600 miles over 16 days, 8 states and 2 fabulous family Christmases with 4 grandparents, 5 cousins, 2 aunts, 1 uncle, and an 82 degree spread, we are finally back. I know a few of you really thought we were crazy to attempt such a trip, but our kids were so good in the car it was almost unbelievable. We never even stuck a movie in the computer on the way home. Thank you Lord for great kids and smooth travels!  (Yes, of course we thanked the kids...with ice cream, etc.)

In our part of the world when we go away in the winter, we zip in the driveway, run in the house, turn up the heat, and go out for supper while the house warms up.  It works out fine since there is no food anyway.

So we're eating at Perkins and Ben is about to eat french toast sticks with his fingers.  

Me:  French toast is not finger food.  Use your fork.  Each stick is at least three bites.

Ben:  In my world, each stick is one or maybe two bites.

Me:  Well, this is the restaurant world and we use manners.

Bethany:  So when he moves far far away when he grows up he can eat them how he wants?  

Me:  Well, maybe far away.

Bethany:  Like (cousin) Tyler going to Italy (to study)?

Me:  He doesn't have to go THAT far away.  Do you want to go to another country?

Bethany:  No.

Ben:  Well we could go to Canada, which is another country without going to a different continent.  It would still be Home Sweet North America!

Yup!  That's been our home for the last two weeks.  Highlights coming soon.


  1. Wow! What a trip. I have developed travel phobia since having kids. Glad it went so well for you. Gives me hope! Happy New Year! :-)

  2. Welcome back! Congratulations on the happy travels. Like Michele, I too have a travel phobia with kids.

  3. Welcome home! Can´t wait to see where you went!

  4. Welcome home. Y'know, after you settle in, we all wanna see pics :-)

  5. I'm just glad to have you back.... we've missed you! See you Wed night?

  6. You really burned some rubber on that trip, didn't ya? Finished up some New Year's Eve Beer Cheese Soup today for lunch. Bet Perkins doesn't have that, do they?

  7. That is a funny conversation. I bet they do figure they've covered about all of it. Glad your home and I'll look forward to pictures of all your adventures.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!