Thursday, January 15, 2009

Below Zero

We're hoping to see positive temperatures someday this week. It occurs to me that some people have never experienced sub-zero cold. So here's what it looks like.

Vivid blue sky against the white snow.

The days are short, and the shadows long.

Jack Frost paints designs on the car windows.

Little girls help their dads shovel so they 
can come in out of the cold sooner.

You can only see their noses.

And little boys still refuse to zip their jackets.


  1. My kids are SOOO looking forward to snow. Maybe we will get some.

  2. That's totally the case at my house, too. My oldest will wear his down coat in July, zipped all the way up. But today, when we left, it was -18, and he refused to zip up his coat. I told him he was going to be sad when his bellybutton froze off. :)

  3. Oh I KNOW what that cold looks like... and SOUNDS like - squeeky snow!!!

    I'm laughing at all the people saying that the 25 degrees we have here today is cold.

    Oh no.. I don't THINK so!

  4. Wow! That is a lot of snow. It never snows in GA. I think I need to go get warm now after taking in your photos. :)

    Thanks for dropping by. I heart anyone who loves holding a camera. Wink!

  5. That's a lot of snow. I don't know how you do the below zero stuff.
    It sure is pretty when it's all white.
    I loved that picture of the moon in the sky with the snow.

    I'm sure those little snow shovelers are building some muscles.

    I'm impressed you got pictures without shaking the camera. My pictures would have been pretty blurry. Shiver.


  6. We are 47 here in SLC but the price we pay for being warm is lots of smog. They call it an inversion and if you go up the canyon you can see the blue sky again!

  7. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment over at SWB. I love your site, I'll be back for sure!

  8. Joy--you mentioned the shivers. The interesting thing about that is that although it's woefully cold, there isn't much wind. It makes a huge difference. I would rather have -6ยบ and sun and no wind than 15 blustery, gray degrees.

  9. it was 7 degrees here this morning. i think that was a first for me, BUT NO SNOW! I am a firm believer that if it is going to be that cold, then i want snow...nada.

  10. I must admit I'm not fond of cold. But I do really like these pictures! Cold does have a beauty all its own, doesn't it?

  11. I LOVE your photos...but Ben needs to wear a scarf! I agree that the landscape all looks so beautiful and at peace...but that's until you step outside! My hubby was singing the chant from the movie Bring It On this morning: "Brrrrrrr, it's cold in here. There must be some Toros in the atmosphere!"

  12. So beautiful. You can see the cold!
    And there's the morning moon...your view was prettier than mine.


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