Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: "Glenda the Good" and "'Graph'ic Chad"


  1. Tracy, I'm sorry to break it to you.... but it's not Wednesday. :P I've had to remind myself of that same thing several times today already!

  2. Well sheesh, it's close enough! ;-)

  3. LOL! He looks so happy! Candy heaven!

  4. Yep, that much candy will definitely give you a toothache! :D

    Happy WW!

  5. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for stopping by my site nd leaving a comment. And it's never too late to stop by! Looking forward to your BATW day on Friday so I can return the love :-)

  6. My El used to sort her candy into categories too. Actually, I think I did too. Who does he take after?

    She's adorable. Love the feathers. Love her smile.

  7. I remember being in about the 6th grade (that would be about 1957 folks) when my brother took one of mother's pillowcases for his Halloween sack. That was in the days when you just sent the kids out and didn't worry. He came back 4 hours later with that pillowcase so full he could hardly carry it! And promptly hid it all in his room and dared anyone to try and enter. :) blessings, marlene

  8. The lining up of the candy into categories brought back fond memories - ah, the joy of organizing!


  9. My MIL showed my boys how to line up their candy like that, too, but they messed it all up before I could get pictures of it.

    I left you something on my blog...

  10. Wow look at all that candy--i'm JEALOUS!

  11. That's a fair haul!
    We were out for the evening but left hubby home with the candy and only 2 little kids turned up! It's still not a big thing over here.


  12. Great costume and graph.

    I should probably post a picture of my son in his costume.

  13. Quick Question: Who's gonna eat All. That. Candy? If you need help, I'm available!

  14. Now that's my kinda Candy OCD! LOL!

    Happy WW!

  15. I'm coming to your house and try to talk some of those M&M's out of that boy....

  16. looks like the kids really scored on the candy..ha.
    hope you have a lovely weekend.

  17. That picture of your son and his candy is totally something Mr. Baseball would do. He is all about some organization and order.

    You taught your son to share I'm sure...think he'd mind sharing some of his candy with me?

  18. no, he hasn't learned to share, don't ya know!!

  19. Wow, lots of people noticed all of Ben's candy! My sister got it right when she said he hasn't learned how to share (LOOK! my sister commented on my blog!!!!), but he would probably make you a deal.

    And Marrdy, you are so right, that is a LOT of M & Ms. There will probably still be some left by next Halloween quite honestly.

    And Stefanie, his dad is an engineer, so I'm going with Dad. The next morning he woke up and wanted to give me math problems related to his candy. Math is his love language.

  20. Math is his love language, tee hee...


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