Thursday, November 13, 2008

No more word verification

OK.  I did it.  After three passionate pleas and like a million amens, I turned off my word verification.  If you don't know what that is, it's that last hoop you used to have to jump through to comment on my blog by typing in whatever cryptic gobbledygook they put there for you to copy.  But no more.

I turned on word verification after I found an extremely profane, computer generated comment on a post.  So now that you know you don't have to do word verification, and you are eager to get commenting on my posts, I hope you'll excuse any inappropriate comments that you get to before I do.

And now for something really random.  A few people have had this challenge on their blogs lately to go to the sixth photo in the sixth folder in your files and tell what you remember about it.  This is really a favorite of mine.  I took it with my brother's camera (hi Dave!) when I was just considering buying my first digital camera.  And I bought one just like his.  Bethany has always loved a playground, and they are still one of my favorite places to take pictures.

Now doesn't she just make you want to leave a comment?  You can. No word verification. Enjoy!


  1. What an awesome picture!!! I love playground pictures...

    And yeah for no word verification!!!

  2. Mmm hmmm. I've figured out who's been boycotting. Hi Lizzy!

  3. First of all LOVE the picture...and second of all, WOOT WOOT!!! I don't need to type a zillion letters 10 times!

  4. Aww she is so cute!!!!

    BTW I never cared either way about the word verification.

  5. Happy No Word VErification Day!!

    Woo Hoo

  6. Love the picture! My sixth folder is empty (?) so that little piece fo fun fell flat on its face at my place!

  7. Cute picture! They grow up so fast...

    Turned off the verification on mine a couple of days ago. So far so good.

  8. That picture is way cute, and you're right, playgrounds are great places to take pics.

    Way to go on the word verification. I'm so proud!

  9. Yay for no word verification! I am one of those people that has to re-type it like 200 times before I get it right. I still left comments anyway! :)

    Love the pic, what a doll!!

  10. I turned off the word verf. too. I think it scares off the new bloggers who would want to comment. For us "oldie´s" , we do it anyway.

    And the picture really is very good! I always wanted to ask you, how do make those great photo mosiac´s you post?
    Do you have an extra program?

  11. Great picture! Very interesting! And yay for no word verification! I've seen a couple that could be taken offensively!

  12. I love photos like this. I have taken a few of Katie that are similar to this one.

  13. What a beautiful picture.

    I turned my word verification off too. Hope I don't get any offensive comments.

    Forgot to tell you about the Lifesavers. We can only give the kids a treat if it has to do with the lesson we are teaching. I like to use candy as a bribe for good behavior. So the lifesavers were to help them remember that Jesus is our life saver. A little silly but they got the message.

  14. I turned off my word verification some time ago and I've only had one bad comment in the several months since then. That's not too bad I don't guess. Great picture! blessings, marlene

  15. That's a fantastic shot!

    And word verification bugs me... I've gotten a few hateful comments but I just delete them..

  16. After all this blogger prodding, I turned off my word verification last week. Those slanty words are really annoying.
    As for your 6th photo in your 6th folder...Wow, what a treasure.

    I also learned something from reading your camera lesson a couple of post ago. I finally found that white balance setting on my camera. It took me a while.
    Thanks for the tip.
    Your beach pictures are beautiful.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment about me and Buster's night out.

  17. A photo like that needs no comment. It says so much more than we ever can say! And I'm all with you on the Word Verification. I need to remember to turn that durn thing off! Don't forget tomorrow's Silly Sunday Sweepstakes...gotta good one for ya!

  18. Hi Tracy! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. I just love to meet new bloggy friends. I am also surprised our circles have not crossed until now. Your family is beautiful and so is your blog!! I am now a follower and no word verification! YEAH!!!!

  19. Ahhhh how seet Tracy, she is adorable!! Thank you dear for the really sweet comments on my blog dear!!!
    I hope your having a wonderfully blessed day!!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!