Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Accept!

Melissa B. at the Scholastic Scribe is an English teacher.  I love English teachers! (See below.) She has created this little award to draw attention to bloggers who know how to craft their words.  Very cool.  There are so many awesome writers sharing their passion out here.

I would like to thank Marrdy and Michelle, who have both given me this award recently. I'm glad they both won it, because they deserved it! I could only hope to live up to it.  But I will use it as an opportunity to point out a few others who surely do.

The rules are posted here on Michelle's blog, so if you are a winner, click the link to find out what you are supposed to do.  (And I just broke one of them.)  I have my own rule about awards I pass along:  you get to choose whether to play or not...I just want you to know you're appreciated!

Here goes:

Kathy over at Mama's Losin' It probably gets several blog awards every day. She's famous. In her former life, she too was an English teacher. Every week she holds "Writer's Workshop", in which she gives several writing prompts to get readers thinking and writing on their own blogs. Voluntarily! About 50 of them every week! And she writes her own post using one of the prompts each week. SHE  is romancing her students

Stefanie at Because I Pause is a very reflective thinker.  She uses writing creatively to think her way through the joys and challenges of life.  Her writing often helps me process my own thoughts.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, Carrie at The Gremlin Wrangler has a blog that is worth a million.  Her pictures are fabulous, but her writing is also priceless. You must read her Letters From Your Friendly Cashier, posted weekly.  She's a treat.

Courtney at It's How You Live uses writing to challenge herself and others.  She has a great passion for living out her faith and teaching her kids to do the same.

That's four.  Many of my other favorites have already received the award, or have received other awards from me.  Really, everyone who blogs and/or comments deserves an award, because we all use the blogosphere to harness the power of words. Sometimes we are the communicators.  Sometimes the audience.  Sometimes both.  I can't pick just one more, so I congratulate all of you on using your writing to inspire, challenge, encourage and entertain.  I am the better for it!


  1. thank you! you totally made my day!

  2. Thanks, Tracy. It's mutual.

    I love your reflections on your teachers. Made me think about all the people in my life who have had an impact.

  3. Congratulations, Tracy! You've got another award waiting for you over on my blog.

  4. Congrats on the award! You truly deserve it!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!