Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're so lame

Ben's buddy was over today, while Bethany was at his house playing with his sister.  Ben and his friend were playing about five feet away from me.

Buddy to Ben:  Your family is really lame.
Me (in a surprised voice):  Why do you say that?
Buddy:  Well, when things are kind of noisy or crazy at our house, Bethany like hides in the bathroom.
Me:  Really?  And that's lame?
Buddy:  Yeah.
Me:  Well what does lame mean to you?
Buddy:  It's like really calm.
Me:  Really?  Well, I think that most people would not necessarily think that lame was a compliment. I think of it more like, uh, dumb or stupid.
Buddy (with big eyes):  NO!  You're one of the nicest families I've ever met!

So there you have it.  Lucky us.  We're nice.  And lame.  But don't ask me how he figures we're calm!  (Do you suppose he meant TAME???)

(Note to self:  Remember to ask Bethany why she was hiding in the bathroom.)


  1. That's so cute.

    I love the way kids use words that they don't understand.

    It's as if they read a book once that said "if in doubt, make it up". :)

  2. LOL. I have a Bethany too and we are expecting our first grand child. :)

  3. How cute!!!
    Bless his heart, I guess he could have used a worse word!

  4. LOL! That's going to be a joke for a long time.

    Hmmm, now I'm wondering how often adults use words that they don't understand...

  5. Now THAT is a scary thought! I could be way too guilty of that...

  6. What a darling story! You really have a gorgeous family!


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