Wednesday, June 18, 2008


One day when our kids were really little, we were all loading into the van to go somewhere. Out of nowhere, Ben says, "Dad will be the driver, and Mom will be the watcher." Lee replied, "Well then what does that make you?" To which Ben immediately replied with a big grin, "Safe!"

Oh, that we could truly make him safe. But an x-ray at the orthopedic assures us that this is not possible. The big toe is broken. Definitely broken. On the growth plate. A month in the boot.

Dr.: So baseball season is over.
Ben: No, it goes to the middle of July,
Dr. (looking Ben straight in the eye): No, for YOU, baseball season is over. Do you understand that?
Ben (being as brave as possible): Oh.
Me (silently): Thank you God for Dr.!

So what are ya gonna do to keep 'em safe? Tell them they can't play in the basement with their friends because they might accidentally get their toes stepped on? Strap them to their beds?

I found it surprising after the 9/11 attacks that so many people seemed shocked that something like that could happen in America. AMERICA! And now I just laugh when I drive by the airport and the sign says the alert level is ORANGE. Hello. It's been orange for the past 6 1/2 years. Does knowing this make me safer? We expect to have security provided for us, but the reality is that as long as there are people bent on doing harm, regardless of the consequences, nobody can keep us safe.

We could dig ourselves a hole, stock it with supplies, and crawl in, I suppose. But is that safety?

I was impressed by a video I saw by Sara Groves the other day. She was describing the impact of her visits to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and Rwanda in the aftermath of genocide. She said she had previously tended to be a little paranoid , wanting to protect her small children from every imaginable harm. But now, after seeing those who had suffered so much, she wants to empower her kids to be the kind of bold followers of Christ who would actually be willing to take risks, or sacrifice some comfort or relative "security" to add some beauty to their world. Me too.

Here's real safety:

"I will lie down and sleep in peace; for you ALONE, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8


  1. I'm sorry for Ben to have his season end like that this year! Joey can understand that too, he was very disappointed to miss out on playing rugby in Ireland but his broken wrist put an end to that season... but God has more good seasons ahead for both these boys! Hang in there!

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry about the boot. That's a bummer. Poor guy.

    I love this post. I'm such an overprotective mom (yes, even after 4 kids). I needed this reminder to empower, not overprotect.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The deleted post above was me. I typed it, and it made no sense. Anyway, thanks for an excellent post. You so eloquently and divinely nudged those of us who want to keep our kids in a bubble that that isn't what the Lord wants us to do. He IS our ultimate protector. And, I too laugh at those color indicators. It's a joke. As long as we walk this earth we will be in danger. Only God can conquer that. Alas, we know that He will win in the end.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!