Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ten Amazing Years: Surprises

Since I'm not a novelist, I'm just going to give the short story version of our courtship. I can't say that Lee and I were a likely couple. We met at church soon after Lee was transferred up to the tundra with his job.  We were in choir together. We did a few things together for fun, knowing that I was soon to leave the country for a couple of years. We did not correspond at all while I was away, and I fully expected to discover that Lee had moved back south as he had hoped to do. But I got back, and here he was! So I guess if one thing sums it up, he took me by surprise.

Lee and I dated for 2 1/2 years before we got engaged. Although the first few months we couldn't quite admit that we were dating. We tried hard to scare each other off. In fact, I even tried to get a couple of my good friends to talk me out of dating him, and they refused. But in the end, Lee couldn't envision a lifetime without my chocolate chip cookies. And I couldn't envision one without his affection--symbolized here by the roses.

I'm so glad we don't scare easily, because I do love surprises. Lee is undoubtedly the best surprise God has ever had for me.

1 comment:

A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!