Friday, April 18, 2008

Ten Amazing Years: A Theme

It took me no time at all to discover a theme in our pictures.  Of all of the pictures of Lee and me together, I'd say roughly 75% of them have water.  That would be a conservative estimate.  (Lee would love the fact that I used a percentage as a descriptor. And that I was conservative. It's the little things that he appreciates about me!)

I don't think I ever noticed how often we found ourselves around water together, even from the very beginning of our friendship. We have always loved to walk around the lake or catch a beach side concert. We went on a canoe trip to the Boundary Waters with a church group while we were dating.

One of the things I appreciate most about all of these activities is that they have taken us away from our tasks and allowed us time to talk to each other. They have helped us to relax together. We often find ourselves laughing hard, and many times end up solving problems or understanding each other and our kids better. Of course none of these things requires water, but it sure helps!


  1. Hi, I just found your blog via babies, barbies and boys and this is really sweet. It's so refreshing to hear a woman speaking kindly of her husband! Congratulations!!

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to say hello!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!