Sunday, December 2, 2007

A business is born!

It's official...I'm now the proud owner of a small business!  I've launched my website and I'm ready to go.  (If you want the web address, comment and I'll email it to you--I'm not posting it here for privacy reasons.)

I can hardly wait to start building people's photos into DVD keepsake scrapbooks.  Figuring all of this digital stuff out has been an exciting adventure.  I'm thankful for all of the amazing memories in my own life that have given me the vision for a service like Milestones.


  1. I would like the website address. Would you mind sending it to me?


  2. congratulations on your new business.

  3. Garden Goose:

    Thanks so much! It's nice to see you again.

  4. A new business! How fun! Sounds very fascinating. I'd love to see your website. You have been a busy camper :)


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!