Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Creativity Project: Loud


We were lucky enough to spend the Fourth of July
with some dear friends at their cabin.
Look at that serene, glassy lake.
A setting for our "Loud" theme
It hardly looks that way.
But looks can be deceiving.


Flapping Loons

Because out on that lake some loons are teaching their babies how to swim and find food.


They had a few things to say VERY loudly!

Jet ski

Especially to the noisy jet skiers.


Lee needed a project to do, so he recruited some help and went to work on the old oak stump.


Definitely loud.



In a nearby small town there were bed races on the Fourth.
It was plenty loud there as the community turned out in droves to cheer them on.

Rub a Dub Dub

The rubber ducks had my favorite bed, decorated as a bathtub.

Scooby Doo and Up

They were closely followed by the Scooby Doo Mystery Mobile,
along with the house from "Up"!
They all ran through the course twice, each time with a different sort of stunt event.



I loved the fact that there were people of every age, supporting all of the participants.  So fun!

Also Ran


Back at the cabin there was the sound of laughter and delight

Madelyn paddle board

as the little dog got in on all the action.


Ice Cream Creation

Then there was the sound of the loud beaters making ice cream base.
Everyone added their own secret ingredients to make their flavor entry for 
the ice cream making contest.

Ice Cream

Oh. my. word.

The Judge

You couldn't possibly find a better judge than we had.
A quality control expert, who once worked for Haagen Dasz.
We eagerly awaited the results--
and it was Ben who cheered loudest when he won the prize 
for his Mint Oreo Ice Roar (even his ice cream had a loud name!).

Fire time

There was the chatter and the giggles and the selfies around the fire, 
before the fireworks…

Fireworks 1

…some across the lake,

Our fireworks

and some by our own fire.

It was the most peaceful loud weekend you could imagine!

This post brought to you by The Creativity Project.
We are all posting LOUD posts today.

Is anything loud going on in your world?
We would love to see what it looks like!
Take a look around the circle for some inspiration, beginning with my friend Shalana.
I do not know how she does it, but her photos have an amazing way of giving you room to breathe.
(Well I do know how she does it, it's called negative space--
but it requires a self-restraint I don't seem to possess.)
Then if you want, post your own on The Creativity Project Facebook wall.
We'd love it!


  1. I love all the photos shared in this post. So many wonderful " Loud"moments captured all in one family weekend. I wanna spend my future 4th here. It looks like everyone had fun being peacefully " Loud". Thanks for sharing ;)

  2. I absolutely love this post! I could hear the loudness of the tree cutting, of the racing contests, the ice cream tasting, and the selfie taking. What a perfect weekend away! I didn't want the post to ever end.

    I also wanted to tell you that I love your new vibrant, high contrast editing. You are totally killing it. XO

  3. Wow. Simply wow. You captured it all perfectly.

  4. I love the way your family does loud! Looks like a fabulous weekend getaway!!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!