Saturday, May 2, 2015

His Happy Place

Softball 2

Yesterday was Father's Day.

Softball 1

I'm sure that's not obvious on your calendar.
But it was on my husband's face.

Softball 3

He has always loved his Friday night softball.  LOVED.

Softball 5

But when the weather is gorgeous the first week?
When both his kids are playing?
When everyone is getting hits and runs?

Softball 4


Softball 6

…is perfection.


  1. green, and spring, and glowy light and baseball all look pretty great on you guys!!

  2. Love it! Cherish these times...they are too soon gone. blessings, marlene

  3. I really love your family! What a wonderful blessing to be together doing something you all love so much.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!