Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Creativity Project: Family


"Be completely humble and gentle;
be patient, bearing with one another in love."
Ephesians 4:2

We are a family with teenagers. (She says, laughing, tempted to just hit publish after that last period, because what more needs to be said? But I digress.)  As such, we are a middle-aged couple who has tested our "for better or worse".  And still, we love.

These are not as much "The Wonder Years" as the "See What You're Made Of" years--but they are no less wonderful. Truly. The irony of the Ephesians verse is palpable, because if we followed it, why would we have to bear with one another? The reality is, we take turns. Turns bearing with one, turns giving another a chance to practice bearing with us. As Sheila Walsh says in A Love So Big, "God loves you on your best days and on your worst days." It is ok that even though our desire and goal is to be humble, gentle, patient, loving and forbearing, sometimes we are not.  For then, we can have a home filled with grace and growth.

It's true in our immediate family, our extended family, our church family, and the many smaller groups that become like family for a time--if it's to work out well at all, we ultimately have to bear with one another in love.  I like to imagine a world where that is the standard.

Blogging on the theme of family with the circle of photographers in The Creativity Project today.  Next in the circle is Pam, who has a hobby-related family you will truly not want to miss.  Breathtaking photos are just a click away!  We would love to see your take on the "Family" theme this month at The Creativity Project!  Visit our Facebook wall and post photos that show what family means to you.


  1. I mirror your sentiments about having teenagers. May God help us all.

    I love this beautiful picture of your beautiful family. I saw kindness the first time I ever saw a picture of you. You have a beautiful heart.

  2. I love this photo and the verse you share is one of my favorite verses.. what a great way to start my morning is reading your post.. thank you for sharing your heart with us .. great post

  3. What a beautiful family you have, and your dimple is incredible! And teens..ahhh yes. Thankful that God HAS given us so many encouraging words to get us through (and realizing that I've been through many iterations of "the teen years" even after leaving them behind numerically, and grateful that God is a loving, forgiving Father!). Merry Christmas!

  4. totally snickering - "we are a family with teenagers." Love your humor, your heart, and your exhortation. Just this morning I read this by Chesterton: "Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all." (NOT that I'm saying our kiddos are unlovable ...)

  5. what a beautiful family.

    someone once told me, if you want to check the health of a family, check in with the mother, if you want to check the health of the mother, check in with the husband but if you want to check in on the health of them both: check in with their faith.

    by this recipe, i'd say, not only is your family healthy but you've planted healthy seeds into the soil. god bless those teens of yours xo

  6. Such a beautiful family and great words that I will take to account since I will soon walk this journey in life. ;-)

  7. I read last week that God's mercy is bigger than any mistake you can make. And His love is bigger than that. Wow! May your Christmas be filled with His love! blessings, marlene


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!