Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Black and white...and beautiful all over

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Photo 52, Week 33:  Black and White

A friend of mine has been helping me organize my house.
She is amazing.  I owed her big time.
So when she was agonizing about her daughter's senior pictures,
I asked if she would be up for letting me give it a try.
She could always bring in the pros if it was a bust.


I had only met her daughter a time or two.
A bust was not a very real possibility with her!



But dear friends who are the real pros,
I must say hats off to you!


Because though this beauty served me gorgeous shots on a platter,

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if I did this for a living I would make 23 cents an hour.


Editing takes me forever!

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And thank God for black and white!

I hope she liked the pictures.
There is a whole bunch more organizing 
to be done in the very near future!


  1. Oh these are gorgeous...she will absolutely LOVE them.

  2. And send this woman my way....organizing your home, I so need that!!

  3. These turned out so well, you've really come far and so many good outdoor pics with tricky lighting, I'm sure they will be treasured.

  4. What a beauty! You did a wonderful job. I am really impressed.

    Any girl that wears boots is a winner in my book : )

  5. oh my. she's totally lovely. and so are your pictures of her!! kudos, m'dear!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!