Friday, February 1, 2013

They make you think


Remember I promised to tell you why I love having teens and tweens?

Here's one reason: They make you think through how and why you do the things you do.

Bethany wanted to have a spa slumber party with her church friends.  So I helped her plan it.
We used Pinterest, and we broke the planning process down in ways I hadn't really done before.


First, I told her, you have to make your PLAN.  
What will you do?  What spaces will you use?  
What will you eat?  What supplies will you need?


We made a list of what we would need and shopped the day before.
We straightened the house and gathered supplies little by little through the week.
She finished all the spaces the day of the party.


Then, she made the food.


She got all the supplies for the spa activities ready, 
and made the chocolate facial.
She got her games ready to go. 
and she also got herself ready.
( I warned her that you have to remember to put that on the list
of things to do well before the guests come,
or it may never get done!)

I remembered to tell her one more thing:
Know what you really need to get done,
and what you can let go. 
It rarely all gets done.


Bethany was more than ready when the girls came.



The chocolate mask was a hit (and not very tempting to eat).
The cucumber eye soothers looked awesome, but they didn't stay on long.
Their skin was sure smooth by snack time!



There were other activities before bed, 
but I could hardly believe it when they stopped their movie at midnight 
and said they were going to sleep!
Could it be that they are really old enough to appreciate sleep???


These cinnamon roll pancakes were worth getting up for.


Betsy, their choir director, came to show them how to add a little sparkle to their God-given beauty.
There were other things and other special people who got involved, but you get the picture.

As Bethany was looking through her Pinterest ideas for spa treatments, she mentioned,
"It says for a relaxing bath use rose water and coconut milk."

Ben replied, "I know another another way to have a relaxing bath.  Just do it.  Relaaaaaax.  Baaaaath!"

Quick wit.
One more thing to love.

(Oh!  and one more thing in the making you think department.
I don't have nearly as much homework as I used to have.
But Lee has a lot more.  ;-)
Thank you, middle school algebra!)


  1. I think this wins you Mom of the Year!! What a fun idea!

  2. what a fun fun evening for the girls...and looks like Mom had fun too.

  3. Oh my word. She did such a great job! That looks like a wonderful party. I am so glad she has a mom like you who lets her make things special. You are a gem. She is a gem.

    Are the pancakes on pinterest?


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!