Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sometimes when you least expect it...


...you find out you're bigger than life.

Ben had plans to go play with a friend one day in July.  The day before, the friend's mom called to say he was asked on the spur of the moment to take part in a commercial shoot at that time at a local pizza place, but that they could use Ben too.  Well, there were a bunch of kids there, and there was really no telling which ones they would decide to use.  I didn't think that much about it, to be honest.  They paid him with a $20 gift card, and after we got our free pizza, I sort of forgot about it.  Until the kids saw this when they were watching TV:

Then, a few days ago in the mail, out of the blue, we got this package with these:


That was nice, I thought, to make a miniature billboard for him.  But I got to thinking maybe it would be a good idea to check with them and see if he was actually ON a billboard.  And wouldn't you know, he is!  It's not near us, and not someplace we would ever drive by, so it's a good thing I asked!  It's close to the friend, but in the wrong direction from their house, away from their beaten path.  

So there you go.  Ben has endorsements already.  Move over Joe Mauer, there's a new kid in town!



  1. Well how fun...you have a star among you!!

  2. Whoa - how cool!!! That's really awesome!!

  3. Wow!!! Ben's a star...can I have his autograph? :)


  4. How fun is this! He has to be over the top excited. :) blessings, marlene

  5. Squee! This Australian friend of your Mom's squeed out loud to see you on the billboard and the TV!

  6. Very neat! So exciting. Tell Ben his kids will not believe him without the evidence so make sure he keeps the pictures for proof....
    Cathy B

  7. What a hoot! I'd say "Larger than Life Ben" is totally worth the drive to see :-D.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!