Thursday, May 17, 2012

Forties Top 40, #30


#30:  #30.

30 SPF sunscreen, to be exact.


I was raised by a mom who loved a good tan.  LOVED.
We all believed some nice color made you look healthy.
Even so, my mom would make me wear a t-shirt in the lake
if we were swimming midday, because I was the fair-skinned child.


And still?  I had basal cell carcinoma at 39.
Or at least that was when I finally went in to have it looked at.
Thankfully basal cell cancers are non-life-threatening.

My sister was the more olive-skinned child, and she has had it too. More than once.
Plus melanoma.  Which thankfully wasn't life-threatening, but could have been.

This picture dates back a few years, but it shows my scar, and if you look closely, it shows where the outside half of my eyebrow is just makeup.  Even after I had my spot removed, I confess that I wasn't that great about applying sunscreen unless I was going outside for an extended time in the summer.  I hate spending a lot of money on consumables like make-up and moisturizer.  Finally, I decided to try regular old store brand sunscreen on my face as moisturizer.  I can now say I use it every single day.  It works great on my skin, and I love it. 

I learned this week that an old friend is having a melanoma removed from her cheek today.  It will be an extensive surgery.  The diagnosis could still be life-altering, but the effects of the incisions almost certainly will be.  Please join me in praying for her.  

And please.  Use sunscreen.


  1. Thanks for this post Tracy. I am not very good at applying sunscreen and this brought it even more to my attention. I will look into getting some sunscreen that I can use daily. I have a red spot on my cheek, that I fear is the beginning of skin cancer and am afraid to go to the Dr. to hear the "verdict"....

  2. Go now, Betty! The earlier you go, the less you have to lose!

  3. I use a Oil of Olay knock-off daily face moisturizer that has SPF 15 in it on my face (almost) every morning. After many sunburns as a child and teenager I do get concerned about where and when (not if) my skin issues will show up. Do you use your sunscreen moisturizer on more than your face, like your shoulders and chest every day too?

  4. If they are showing (i.e. summer), then yes. Although they tend to some days get the leftovers from my face and not quite the intentional application they deserve.

  5. I am so bad about using sunscreen, thanks so much for giving us this health reminder...and prayers for your friend!!

  6. You are so pretty. I really try to remember!

  7. Life with Kaishon: she is, isn't she?!

  8. As a melanoma survivor, I say "ditto!"


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!