Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Training


Here's the reason we intentionally went to Florida during spring break 
when everybody and their brother would be there:


There is only one place and one time of the year you could see your three favorite teams play in one day.   (This particular day being St. Patrick's Day.  Home team in green.  Who knew?)


So we walk into the Tiger's stadium, and the big dude Miguel Cabrera was signing a few autographs before he headed out to first base.  We were right behind him the whole game.  I loved that he was so kind to take a few minutes out for the kids.


The Tigers were hosting the Twins, and it's hard for me to cheer against the Twins.  But for Ben's sake, I was happy the Tigers won.  Normally when we see the Twins and Tigers play, Ben is rooting against the home team at the Twins stadium.  But this time all the Tigers fans were cheering for the home team!


Here the Twins were, trying to strategize their comeback, but to no avail.


A few more autographs after the game, and we were
off to see the Braves play at Champion Stadium.


This time we were right behind third base, where Ben's lifelong hero Chipper Jones was playing.  There were no autographs happening, but we were thrilled to see Chipper back after a season-ending knee injury last year.  He had planned to retire, but he is BACK.  He wanted to go out swinging.  I was so glad Ben got to see him.


He even hit a homer.



After the game the kids got to run the bases.  Ben is, of course, the blur rounding third.  (I wonder if he intentionally found any of Chipper's footprints to step on.)  Bethany had time to slow down and wave.


The perfect ending to a fabulous day.


  1. putting that LONG lens to good use, eh?!? ;-)

  2. What a great day! And those photos are fantastic!

  3. These pictures are awesome! I love them. You are so cool! What a fun Mom and Dad to endure the crowds for your kids : )


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!