Friday, December 31, 2010

Star Search at the Capitol


You know it's just like us to go searching for stars. We are like the paparazzi. OK, maybe not. But we heard there was this thing you could do at the State Capitol on the weekend, where they would give you some "art treasures" in the architecture to search for and you would put a gold star by each one. At the end if you get them all, you get the official state seal and the autograph of the architect. So we had to check it out.

We found a lot of cool stuff there. But THIS was my favorite!


The rest were pretty cool too, though. Highly recommended if you are in my neighborhood!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful State Capitol. I love historic buildings too. It is so interesting to see all the inbedded treasures the architects did put in them. That staircase is so grand. Paige loves to watch the movie National Treasure. It really got her interested in Washington DC and all the symbolism in the monuments and buildings there.
    ♥ Joy


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