Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'll be right back! (and an UPDATE)

I would like to announce that my computer is fixed!!

Except that it might not be. I mean, the last time I thought it was it really wasn't. So I'd hate to get your hopes up. Who am I kidding? I would hate to get MY hopes up!

I'll spare you the rest of those details. The important thing is that I really am posting this from my own computer. If the rebuilding goes well in the next couple of days, I will upload a month's worth of pics from my camera. Hooray! (But I won't post them ALL here. Hooray for YOU!)

And speaking of cameras...

You know that crazy photo contest? There were six categories. My photo that made the finals was the runner up in the People and Places category. BUT, the winning photo in that category (adorable smiling dolphin) ended up being the grand prize winner, so that means...(drumroll)......

Fall in the Northwoods
My Autumn in the Northwoods photo moved up to category winner, and I really did win a camera! It's a Nikon Coolpix point and shoot that is not too different from what I have, but now I can put a camera in every pair of hands in my family, which is way exciting! Many thanks to those who voted!


  1. This still makes me chuckle. God's gifts are never late!

  2. Honey you've got a double blessing! A working computer and winning a camera - it doesn't get better than that. And your picture deserved to win the whole thing - I loved it! blessings, marlene

  3. A camera! WooHoo! What fun! Glad to see you back... at least for now :)

  4. I saw that on the Zoo website and I got all excited because I KNOW THAT GIRL!!!!!

  5. YAY!!! I'm so happy to see all your great photography and effort has been rewarded. Enjoy your new camera. We'll have to see a picture of it when you puter gets its act together. I know you miss it.
    Congratulations on winning!
    ♥ Joy

  6. Congrats! I'm ever so happy you won, and I'd be even HAPPIER on your behalf if you'd won a "big girl" camera ;-). I know there's one in your future ... it's just a matter of when.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!