Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday high

The last time I posted it was my birthday. That was almost a week ago, and I am still coming down off my birthday high. Literally.

P1500131.JPGRemember this place? Last time we went there only Bethany climbed. It looked like so much fun! Let me just say, heights are not my strong suit. But the harness is very securely anchored, and, well, Bethany made it look like such a piece of cake, that I found myself wanting all of us to try it together. That was my birthday request.

If you look closely, there are four levels. At the top middle, beyond the top of the photo, is the pinnacle, the gangplank. We gave it very little thought the last time we were there. Obviously. I didn't even take a picture of it. But this time was different...

Lee on his way up

Me on my way up

Gang plank.jpg

Lee chicken dance.jpg

Bethany on the plank.jpg

Where in the world did she get the climbing gene? She was the only one who made it to the plank. Lee said his adrenaline was pumping and he was afraid if he went out there he might be sharing more of the experience than the people below would appreciate. Good call. As for me, when I heard she was going for it, I had to quit at the second level so I could go get the camera.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Ben made the sacrifice just before I did so he could take a picture of me. Thanks bunches, Ben!

Meanwhile, safely back at home...

I'm so blessed!
Friend celebrations yet to come...


  1. Happy, happy birthday! And I would never have made it to the second level so you did good. :) blessings, marlene

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! looks like you had a great birthday- that place looks like lots of fun! It seems like you have been having a lot of fun lately and youve been taking some pretty amazing pictures to- but thats nothing new!!

  3. Wah-Hoo! That looks like heaps of fun! My people are not big enough for that yet, but I'm tempted to fly over in a few years to try it out! How nice would it be to visit at the same time? Ah, dreaming about it now ...

  4. What a great birthday cake. Looks like a great day for you. I'm impressed you were on Level 2. Bethany makes it look so effortless. My heart is beating faster just looking at the pictures.
    You all have the coolest places up there. My girls would love that place.
    ♥ Joy

  5. yikes. and YIKES.
    me no like heights.

    but kudos to you all!!!

    and more kudos on all the celebrating! I do so appreciate a woman who's willing to celebrate a bday instead of moaning about growing old and lying about one's age!

  6. You are so beautiful. And young. You look very" very young. I am so glad you made the sacrifice in order to capture the moment.!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!