Friday, April 16, 2010

My latest brush with fame

Today my inner school teacher is pinching herself. Do you have any idea who this woman is? In 1997 my second grade colleagues and I stood in line for a LONG time at a children's book store to have her sign her latest book for us, The Hat. That was nothing compared to today. A girl at Ben and Bethany's school won a contest on her website for her to come to our school. She spent the whole day giving presentations to kids in large and small groups. Each class got to have a Q&A session with her in the library, and then she did presentations in the gym where she showed them how she does her amazing illustrations. And as luck would have it I had to crash the party be know, in my official "yearbook photographer" role. *wink*

She showed the kids how to draw the main character in her recent book, The Easter Egg. All the while she was telling them what she thinks about, how she uses their eyes to show expression, how she incorporates her life experiences into the story. She was as delightful and engaging as her books are. Ben and Bethany remembered a LOT of what she said. I was so glad they could appreciate the experience as much as I did. OK, well at least a fraction as much as I did. I'm not gonna lie. I was giddy.

So do you know who she is???? You can check her out here!


  1. it looks like jan brett... is it? author of "the mitten"?

  2. ps. you do give it away (i just noticed) on the picasa slideshow :-p

  3. OK, I might just have to fix that. ;-) You knew anyway. She would have just reached star status when you were a grade schooler.

  4. I've been convicted lately about the issue of coveting, but I have to admit that this time I'm downright jealous!! I miss Highland in so many ways...Glad you had a fun day :o)

  5. I knew exactly who she was but I couldn't think of her name off hand. We have so many of her books. Paige loved reading her books. In the past we have gone on her website and entered for her to come to our school. I'm so excited for you to get to see her in person and watch her presentations. Yearbook photography work comes in handy doesn't it. I would have been there too. I love author visits.
    I got to sit in on Susan Stevens Crummel when she came to the girl's elementary school.
    Ted Arnold came last year and I got to take some yearbook pictures for him.
    But I have to say Jan Brett is one of my absolute favorites.
    Congratulations to the girl who got her there. How awesome.
    ♥ Joy

  6. that is really awesome. i am sad to say I didn't know who she was. :( That is so cool that you got to see how she did her drawings!!!

  7. I had no idea, but I love her pretty smile and kind eyes! I will go and look it up right now. So glad the kids could learn a lot from her and especially glad you could use your official press (yearbook) pass to be there all day with her : )

  8. Oh, fun! Great pics, by the way. I'm pretty sure she wants you to email her so that you can share them with her, and so that she can be ever so grateful to have them, and so that she can be your bff forever...

  9. Oh, the Scribes ADORE Jan Brett! What a lucky bunch you are. And how wonderful that she could spend so much time letting you see where all that creativity comes from!

  10. oh WOW! what a treat for the kids and YOU! yearbook does has its perks ... ;-)


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!